About MicroCore Labs

Hi, my name is Ted Fried.  Welcome to my website which highlights a few of my favorite projects!

Some of them have been world firsts, world's fastest.. or world's only!   :)

I have an interest in embedded designs which include microsequencer-based FPGA processor cores, high reliability computing, vintage CPU accelerators, and general embedded fun! 

My FPGA-based and microcontroller-based CPU cores have been used to implement near-clones of vintage 8 and 16-bit microprocessors which can be used as drop-in replacements in their original computers.

My 8086 core, the MCL86, was selected for use in the MiSTer PCXT core which is a cycle-accurate FPGA-based emulator of the IBM PC.

All of my work is open sourced and available on GitHub and I have a number of videos on YouTube.

Please feel free to reach out to me!
